Looking for Interviewees

On May 1, 2014, I will begin posting interviews on the new website. As you probably know by now, the first is with members of Cast of a Thousand. Conducting this interview, as well as editing and organizing the questions and answers has been a lot of fun, and I believe readers will enjoy hearing from the band members themselves.

What I'd like to do is post a new interview on the first of each month, not only with bands, but individuals as well. To do this, I need volunteers—I don't always feel comfortable asking people if they'd like to be interviewed, but I will, if necessary.

If you would like to be interviewed, either about yourself as a solo artist, or as a former member of one of our many Gold Coast bands, please contact me at the email below and I'll begin constructing an interview. Here are some points:
  • The interview will be conducted by email.
  • You will have about two weeks, initially, to answer the questions.
  • The last two weeks of the month will be used for editing. The interview will be uploaded to the web, where you can review the work in progress and submit changes, deletions, or additions as we go along.
  • I will also need the following:
    • Current photo of yourself (each band member is responsible for submitting their own).
    • Current photo of the Gold Coast band, if you still play together.
    • Any gig dates you may have upcoming.
    • Links to pertinent websites and social networking profile pages.
That's it, really. My point in all of this is to bring attention to our area bands, not only in their past, but also in the present, especially if the members still get together to perform. More importantly, I'd like to bring more attention to band members who have solo careers, or who play with modern bands. But the most important thing is to have fun—fun for me as a writer, for you as an artist, and for readers as appreciators of our bands.

For more information, or to apply for an interview, please email me at califgoldcoast@gmail.com.

