With the Band

You're going to be seeing a lot about the Thousand Oaks BandTree Reunion here (Help! Is it Bandtree, BandTree, or Band Tree? I've seen it spelled three different ways!) in the next couple of months, so you might want to do yourself a favor, and just plan to go, damn it!

Since "Band Tree I" in 2005, the man behind these reunions has been Jim Rolfe of the Unsound SoulsJust SoundChildren of the Mushroom, ColoursLady, and God only knows how many other great T.O. bands, and an amazing guitarist and songwriter (check out his song, Turn Around).

Last week, I received an email from Jim, who asked if I'd like to help out with this year's Reunion, and I jumped at the chance! "Are you kidding?" I thought. "I'm there, dude!" I don't know what I can do from where I live some 1,400 miles away, but I'm pretty good at promo and web design. And I have a whole lot of enthusiasm, especially when it comes to our Gold Coast bands and musicians! I'm now thinking that, depending on when everyone else arrives in T.O. and when I could be of most service, I might just change my plans to spend the week before the Reunion in California, instead of the week after it. That way, I'd be there to help out before the event. Anyway, if you're reading this, Jim, let me know what I can do; I'm really on fire about this thing!

Now, to the rest of you guys... If you or your band would like to be interviewed while I'm out there, let me know and we can arrange to do that either before the event, or while it's going on.

I believe I've gotten this blog where I want it to be. I definitely want to bring back the monthly Spotlight Band feature, but I need birth dates, obits, pix, and any other news you have.

And now, here is a link to pictures of BandTree 2 and 3. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!
